Promoting a weight-inclusive, non-diet approach for health and well-being.
As a non-diet, weight-inclusive registered dietitian, I offer a range of nutrition services that will facilitate your journey towards health and well-being.
I commit to a non-judgemental and client-focused approach. I recognize that there are many factors that contribute to one’s health, which can make embarking on a lifestyle change daunting and overwhelming.
Whether you’re interested in maintaining or improving your health, or are living with a chronic condition, I will support and work with you to set goals that are practical and reachable.
I am confident you will obtain the skills required to get you there and maintain those changes!
I welcome the opportunity to work with you!
About Me
I am a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator located in Toronto, Canada. My work is focused on providing non-diet, weight inclusive care for the prevention and treatment of chronic illness, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, as well as disordered eating and eating disorders. I offer nutrition counselling and support for individuals and groups, who wish to depart from dieting, restricting calories or food rules.
I have a Master of Health Science (MHSc) degree in Nutrition Communication, and am trained in motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), trauma-informed care and group facilitation.

My private practice is based on a health promotion model that promotes health and well-being for all. Self-efficacy and empowerment are fostered by accounting for the physical, emotional and spiritual well being of individuals. Social justice and health equity are values that guide my practice.
In addition to my private practice, I am Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto; I am published in peer reviewed journals and have presented at professional conferences both nationally and internationally.
As a communicator and promoter of nutrition and health, I advocate for weight inclusive care and make a personal commitment to raise awareness around weight stigma by sharing my knowledge with clients, colleagues, students and the media whenever the opportunity arises.
Have questions? Connect with me. I look forward to hearing from you.